Sunday, August 27, 2006

One Shot @ Diamond Bar

The eternal sunshine of E

Jake to Yipper, "are you a member or guest?"

Long Drive, I think? Comments anyone...anyone...please...anyone

Paul video taped all you fools in action. Blackmail letters will be sent out.

homeless poker, note the use of cardboard boxes


pre drunk or post drunk?

Please add comments...please...I couldn't stop laughing to think of anything

Danny to Chris, "If I win, I get 90% of the pot. That's how it works, okay."

Danny to Chris, "trust me, this is all you get."

Chris, "this don't feel right."

Optical Illusion #2, Is Cage flippin Jonathan the bird?

Bar Shots

Optical Illusion. Is Pete's drink coming from Jonathan's shirt?

The Coolest Group Any Day

Laotian or Viet Kong, you decide

Why is Cage so friggin happy?