Friday, September 14, 2007

Back 2 Basics

The suggestion box is now open. Any ideas on improving our club? We will categorize in 3 categories. 1) Just do it, 2) That's a BIG idea which we will research or 3) Shut the fuck up. If you have a BIG idea that we end up using, you will receive a box of Grade A golf balls. The officer positions for 2008 are as follows: President-Peter Ahn, V.P / Handicap-Chris Pak, V.P / Tournaments-Mark Yoon. If any member wants to take on the President position, please let me or any of the V.P's aware. Our books are open to all One Shot Members. If you are curious as to where your money goes, just ask Chris Pak. Remember, we save as much as possible all year long and then blow most of it on our end of year tournament.

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